Hello everyone! My previous post is a little over two years old and they were from my son Jack’s birth. Needless to say, he’s a little big these days and a ton had changed in our family since then, and professionally for me as well.

I’ve struggled with getting back into this because it was clear to me that I wanted to do something a little different than a site focused purely on photography. So I’m getting back into this and have a few ideas of what I want to talk about.


These days I’m a web developer (at Benedictine University), so it’s my goal to write about what I’m learning along the way. But honestly, I’m not sure what my voice in the dev community is yet as there is sooo much great content out there.

My plan then is to post about once a week with a few articles I’ve found and what I’m learning along the way. Additionally, I might do some quick posts on projects I’m working on, less how-to and more conceptual or frustration. In fact, shortly there will be a post about this new blog platform, why I choose to go this direction, and some articles that helped along the way.

My interest is a little more geared towards Front-End, but I do a whole lot of everything day-to-day.


I commute from Elgin, IL to Lisle/Naperville every day, a commute that lasts anywhere from 40 - 55 minutes depending how mean traffic is. Given all this time in the car everyday, I listen to a lot of podcasts and some audiobooks. Another topic that will appear here are short posts about particular episodes and summaries or key take aways.

Just a few months ago (June 2015), I finished my Master of Business Administration degree at Benedictine. This means I might also have some more businessesque posts as well, probably also things I’ve learned from podcasts or perhaps about the intersection of business and technology.


Certainly photograhy will still be a component of the site as well. I might not be as active as I was back in my photojournalism days, but photography is still very important to me. Plus these non-photograhy related posts still need a good picture! This will give me place for those random photos perhaps. Who knows!

Closing Thoughts

Lastly, some words about this blog. I’ve switched to a platform called Jekyll which is awesome. More about that later. I have imported all my old posts, but there’s formatting issues all over the place that will get cleaned up eventually. The site isn’t pretty yet, working on that too.

I also have decided that the SEO deities do not really like my song-lyrics-as-post-titles practice I was doing from June 2009 up until that last post from Jack’s birthday. But I still like it, it was ma’thang. So my compromise is to have a subtitle on every post that will be my song lyrics title with a more conventional title.

That’s it, this was too long :P.

Peace - KS

Today’s lyric is from the song “Stall Out” by MuteMath from their 2006 self-titled album.