I always have a hard time really comprehending lyrics to songs if I don’t actually read them. The song for the title is from the song “Count On Me” on Mat Kearney’s latest album Young Love. I’ve listened to this album sooooo many times (It finally grew on me) and never realized that the verses are structured around numbers and the alphabet. Ha!

Any way, I wanted to do a quick post some equipment changes. I mentioned in a prior post that I now have a Canon 35mm f1.4L. But a lens had to leave me in order to get the 35L.

I had to make the hard decision to sell the beautiful 300mm f2.8L. It’s a fantastic piece of glass and really great for shooting field sports. Well, I didn’t end up shooting very many field sports assignments this past season. So the decision was made to sell it in order to get equipment that was more useful for the work I’m doing more often. I sold for just as much as I bought it for 2 years ago. Not bad! Free rental.

Here is most of what I picked up. The aforementioned 35mm f1.4L and the vertical battery grip (BG-E6) for my 5D Mark II. I’ve had the 5DM2 for about 2 years now and hadn’t picked up the grip and finally did! The 35L is a beautiful piece of glass and haven’t taken it off my 5DM2 very much. I even shot some basketball with it! Next lens on my list is a Sigma 85 f1.4, one of the lenses I rented over the summer to shoot a wedding and Ignite Fest. All the rest of the income from the sale of the 300L went towards some repairs. My 24-70L and 580 EXII were both in need of some work.

Speaking of equipment, that 5D Mark III looks AMAZING! It will be a perfect replacement for my 1D Mark III. Can’t wait to have two full frame cameras with amazing image quality.

I’ve been pretty darn busy lately, rolling out a whole ton of new projects at my day job, starting some work for an architectural photography company, and even some freelance CAD drafting. I don’t talk about my work at Judson very much, but I want to write a little bit about a couple projects.

Till then, Peace
– KS

As mentioned already, today’s title is from the song “Count On Me” on Mat Kearney’s latest album Young Love.