[insert obligatory apology for not posting in a while here…]

Yellow Smith! How are you? That’s good. Me? Oh, where do I start? Hmm, good idea, I should post some pictures from the wedding of John and Mandy Ritchey (follow the link to their engagement pictures!) that I just finished shooting earlier today!


















It’s been a long time since I last shot a wedding solo. Was a little anxious the day before, but once by the time I left this morning, I didn’t feel like I was forgetting anything, which was pretty awesome. I always seem to have that feeling. And I ended up having a great time, even with the really really really tight morning schedule. I’m pretty happy with the day’s events. However, I am not happy with the focusing speed of the Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8L. Further evidence that I should trade up my 24-105 f4L IS for the 24-70 f2.8L… But the IS of the 24-105L really can be useful for video. What evs.

So, what’s been going on since I last posted? A LOT. Been super busy with work at the shop for a change and its driving me slightly crazy and making me super busy. Which, come thing of it, its been over a month since I posted. Where the crap did February go!?!!!?!!!? I’ve actually been shooting a decent amount, but just haven’t gotten around to popping up a post.

I sold my 5D and my 1D Mark II and picked up a 1D Mark III in replacement. Just got it on Friday, used it a ton at this wedding. In fact, all but three of these came from the Mark III. Really really liking it.

Other big news is that I got “accepted into the [DePaul University] MA in Journalism program by the unanimous and enthusiastic vote of the graduate board in journalism. That now sets a land speed record in the shortest time it has taken between a candidate submitting his credentials and the graduate board acting,” at 1:33am February 26th. Woop! I start around the end of March and I am super excited. Its a pretty slick program.

You know, I had intended to write a whole bunch here, but my brain is really super scattered right now. So, that’s it! I’m done.

– KS

Today’s title comes to you from the song “Needle and Haystack Life” by Switchfoot from their recent album Hello Hurricane. Mind blowing album. These guys just can’t write a bad song.