Despite the headline, this is a post of Engagement Photos! This is actually, believe it or not, my first time out doing engagement photos. Really, I have not taken portraits very often either. Soooo. Good times. One of the most helpful accessories for taking portraits successfully are some sort of wireless flash triggers. In this case, I purchased a pair of PocketWizards at an incredible price. Really, these things should open up a whole new world of portrait photography or any other photography that uses a flash. I am pretty excited to get out and use these more.

This is Krisitn and John, I shot the duo with Robb Davidson, a good friend and one of the many people that has gotten me into photography. Thanks Robb for bringing me out, look forward to shooting more with ya. Though next time, don’t steal all the flashes!

Well, here we go:

<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">For this shot, I told them to put on their “Barack Obama look-into-the-future” faces. They did quite well. </figcaption></figure>

Some extra photos… Its kind of a funny experience photographing people in a situation like this. Always having to smile or move or stand in an awkward positions… Tough stuff. These two were a pretty cool pairing and they stuck it out like troopers.

Usually when we move to a new position, it takes a few shots to get the flash and exposure dialed in. Sometimes in those moments you get a quick glimpse of how your subjects really feel or interact with one another. <figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Usually when we move to a new position, it takes a few shots to get the flash and exposure dialed in. Sometimes in those moments you get a quick glimpse of how your subjects really feel or interact with one another. </figcaption></figure>

And then there is Robb the Creeper:

And there you have it! Thanks for viewing.

– KS

Post-Script: I think maybe I should start posting the names of the songs/bands for the lyrics I use for the title of my posts… I love a good lyric. This week’s title was brought to you by Relient K, Jefferson Aeroplane from the album The Birds and the Bee Sides. A particuarly good album, I do say. Worth mentioning that the last post’s title is from the same song.