Big post coming at you. I’ve been busy since that Cubs vs Sox game! I must say, one of my favorite parts of this job is getting to watching some people’s anticts. Quite amusing.
Whew! That was a lot of work. Do I have anything witty or interesting to add as a post-post anecdote? I think I can reach for something.
I have made two interesting observations over the last two weeks, with regards to this photojournalism-world I am visiting for a brief moment in time. The first, not many people in this industry have heard of Amazon’s Kindle, or e-ink readers in general. Maybe its just that not many people are technology heads like me, which is a fair point. But at the same time, these kinds of devices have the potential to do for the print/news/newpaper/etc. industry what the iPod did for a stagnating music industry. What’s that? The option to survive. Of course, much like the first iterations of the iPod and other MP3 players, these devices are not fully ready to trnasform the industry; price is still a significant draw back. Mark my words, once these devices become cheaper and have color screens, its game-on! There are even prototype screens that are flexible and an be rolled up! This technology is quite exciting, amazing and not only game-chaning, but really game-saving devices. Good on ya Amazon. (note: I have an Amazon Kindle 2, and its amazing)
The second observation is that there are an awful lot of pessimists in this industry. Its not unjustified; eveyday papers are making cut backs, trying to find any way they can to survive. This is a tough time for this industry. But not all tough-times gaurantee total failure. Its not like people don’t need news any more, or pictures or what ever. There are changes happening, thats for sure. But once the newspapers can hit their stride and find out what they need to do to continue the important work they do, there will be a future. I don’t know what that looks like quite yet, (HINT: LOOK AT THE AMAZON KINDLE AND OTHER SIMILAR DEVICES!!!!!!!) but I’m excited to see how it looks on the other end. In the meantime, all you photojournalists out there, have hope for the future! Except you Scott, you know which ways up ;-).
Okay, I was thinking of some other things to say, but this is probably the limits of what you are willing to read at this point. Actually, that is a bonus third point, and why newspaper websites are the only future. It sucks reading a lot on a computer screen. And I don’t have a dozen flashy flash ads surrounding my content with far-too-small pictures. Websites are only an intermediate medium until somthing better comes along (HINT: LOOK AT THE AMAZON KINDLE AND OTHER SIMILAR DEVICES!!!!!!!).