Part of the reason I haven’t posted of late is I have been hard at work on finishing a wedding. I am really really happy with how everything turned out.

Oh, this is also my first significant foray with Adobe Lightroom 2… man oh man, its fantastic. SO much more useful, there is no doubt in my mind this is the best photo editing software on the market. I now only need Photoshop for a few random, specialized needs (pano/hdr merges and maybe some lens distortion correction). Adobe also released a developer kit, so now third party companies can begin to develop add-ons for Lightroom. Excited to see what happens with that!

Also, the transition to the WordPress blog is still in the works… Trying to find a decent template now. So far, it is WAY easier to upload and post images to it, but I am not liking the “gallery” thing it is doing. It only give small thumb nails and you have to click on the images to make them larger, which I am not digging at this point.

- KS